Friday, October 9, 2009

chapter three: on the airplane

"[ i closed the book with one hand, and, placing the other on top to keep it shut, i breathed out fully and easily, glancing around to see if anyone else had noticed.

my eyes flickered suspiciously from the book, to my empty cup, up to the head-rest currently ignoring me, to my sleeping neighbor across the aisle and to the right, and to dimly lit letters spelling, "n-o-s-m-o-k-i-n-g", before returning to the book again.

Here, i opened the book with one hand, and, after following the index finger of the other back to those words, i read and reread them until i knew they weren't going anywhere.

and then i asked the man next to me if I could borrow his pen to write these things down on this napkin (which was left over from the stack he had given to me earlier when i had spilled my water all over the seat dividing us) because i didn't want to forget what i was thinking about during the narrative briefly described above.]"

- an excerpt transcribed and revised from 'The Napkin in My Pocket'

*image taken from here


  1. You seem to be updating consistently...I like it! :)

  2. I love your writing.

    "my eyes flickered suspiciously from the book, to my empty cup, up to the head-rest currently ignoring me"

    Love it!
